Iron Man (2008)
The 2008 film Iron Man, directed by Jon Favreau, stands as a pivotal moment in cinematic history. It serves as both the origin story of Tony Stark and the foundational film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The release of the film in 2008 marked the advent of a new era in the adaptation of comic books, with superhero films becoming a mainstream phenomenon. In addition to The Dark Knight, which also premiered in 2008, Iron Man established two contrasting yet defining representations of the contemporary superhero. The first is the billionaire-turned-hero, driven by personal tragedy and utilizing his wealth and expertise to fight for justice.
Book Review - Radio1 - Henri PauCker
In an interview, literary critic Henri Paucker discusses Christian Heinke's debut thriller "Die Haut." Paucker describes the novel as exceptionally "cool," both in its depiction of pain and its overall style. The story begins with supermodel Katherine enduring excruciating pain, setting a tone of detached resilience. The plot follows Katherine and other top models, who are targeted by a gruesome serial killer. Despite the graphic violence, Heinke maintains a cool, almost detached narrative style, which Paucker finds both problematic and impressive. The thriller's bloody excesses are handled with a nonchalant tone, appealing to fans of intense horror while providing a unique reading experience for those less inclined to gore. Paucker praises the small publisher Kameru for taking a chance on Heinke, noting that the novel's intelligent and stylish approach allows readers to explore a dark, violent terrain without feeling overwhelmed.