Confide In Me
Just received the following nice tweet from @thilgertbo:
@heinkedigital Where is Escape 3 and 4? I'm excited, in the style of Neuromancer. Thanks for parts 1 and 2.
First: thanks for the flowers, @thilgertbo.
Then: Neuromancer. Wow.
It's 1988, and as I was gondolaing to school on the 14 bus in tranquil Luneburg, I was reading The Adventures of Case the Console Cowboy. I'll never forget the first sentence of William Gibson's novel:
The sky over the harbor was the color of a television set tuned to a dead channel.
I was reading a book by someone who could think around corners. Who saw the world a little as I saw it. And who put it into words.
I wanted to be one of those people.
At the time, I had no idea about the Internet and what it meant to me. (When I applied for my first internet job, I didn't even know the difference between a web and an email address. Sad, but true ;) (In my defense: It was 1993, no normal person knew what an email address was.
So now I write about such things. Maybe not as good as Gibson, but I'm trying.
And slowly that effort is starting to pay off.
People are reading what I write and can't wait to see what happens next with Peewee Russell and her valiant fight against 'motherhood'.
The plan is this:
Escape - Part One - June 2013 (Released a bit early to offer the book for free over Pentecost).
Escape - Part Two - July 2013 (Unofficially already available, but drumming for it at the end of June).
Escape - Part Three - August 2013
Escape - Part Four - September 2013
The simple reason Part Three and Part Four haven't come out yet is because I'm still writing both parts right now.
Anyone who would like to be a first reader, help me proofread the parts at the same time, and isn't afraid of Google Docs can message me via Twitter @heinkedigital, Facebook, or email
He will then be included in the first reader program and will get access to part three in July, before it is published as an eBook in August.