Confide In Me

Just received the following nice tweet from @thilgertbo:

@heinkedigital Where is Escape 3 and 4? I'm excited, in the style of Neuromancer. Thanks for parts 1 and 2.

First: thanks for the flowers, @thilgertbo.

Then: Neuromancer. Wow.

It's 1988, and as I was gondolaing to school on the 14 bus in tranquil Luneburg, I was reading The Adventures of Case the Console Cowboy. I'll never forget the first sentence of William Gibson's novel:

The sky over the harbor was the color of a television set tuned to a dead channel.

I was reading a book by someone who could think around corners. Who saw the world a little as I saw it. And who put it into words.

I wanted to be one of those people.

At the time, I had no idea about the Internet and what it meant to me. (When I applied for my first internet job, I didn't even know the difference between a web and an email address. Sad, but true ;) (In my defense: It was 1993, no normal person knew what an email address was.

So now I write about such things. Maybe not as good as Gibson, but I'm trying.

And slowly that effort is starting to pay off.

People are reading what I write and can't wait to see what happens next with Peewee Russell and her valiant fight against 'motherhood'.

The plan is this:

Escape - Part One - June 2013 (Released a bit early to offer the book for free over Pentecost).

Escape - Part Two - July 2013 (Unofficially already available, but drumming for it at the end of June).

Escape - Part Three - August 2013

Escape - Part Four - September 2013

The simple reason Part Three and Part Four haven't come out yet is because I'm still writing both parts right now.

Anyone who would like to be a first reader, help me proofread the parts at the same time, and isn't afraid of Google Docs can message me via Twitter @heinkedigital, Facebook, or email

He will then be included in the first reader program and will get access to part three in July, before it is published as an eBook in August.


Christian Heinke

middle aged nerd. writer of thriller & sci-fi novels with short sentences. podcaster. german with california in his heart.

Interview with Novelist Christian Heinke


Seeing the future