Star Wars Box

Actually, I didn't want to buy it. But I was particularly taken with the bonus DVD. Finally you can take a look behind the scenes of the production of the original Star Wars series. The documentary comes very close to the phenomenon. I find it interesting that it also contains the answer for the badness of the new trilogy. Lucas had to fight superhuman battles to create Star Wars. Hundreds of compromises had to be made every day. Today, no one tells him that his books are just bad and the dialogue awkward. Anything is possible. And because of this liberation, his imagination reaches no salutary limits. The Lucas boxes (Star Wars & Indiana Jones) now sit on my shelf whispering to me, "Now it's YOUR turn..." - Well, maybe one day I'll get the opportunity to carry the torch further.

Favorite Line:

"A FAST ship? Have you never heard of the Frenzied Falcon? The ship made the Kessel flight in less than 12 parsecs - if that tells you anything. [...] Fast enough for you, old man"
Star Wars (1977)


So far, maybe only 200 people have seen my film. But the two or three viewers who had approached me after the screenings because they liked something in the film, or something in it resonated, are worth keeping on. One of my brave friends who proofread 'The Mark' had nightmares from the very first pages.

A good sign.