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Introducing - The Heinkeverse

World building' involves creating a complex, fictional world.

When I resumed work on my third Helen Louisiani thriller 'The Eye' last month, I quickly discovered that my own little 'Heinkeverse' has already reached a considerable level of complexity. Already in my first manuscript 'The Mark' I created a relatively complex world in several time levels. With the two other published books 'The Skin' and 'Escape' and the three more books 'Kabbalah', 'The Eye' and 'Holborn' in the 'pipeline', I am now finding that I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep the balls in the air with the various characters and time levels from memory alone.

I do create a kind of structural plan for each manuscript and also have a timeline in which I chronologically arrange important events in the various books, but now I have to take it to another level.

Enter: The Heinkeversum Wiki. From now on I will store my various characters, places, terms and time levels from my books here bit by bit to use them for new projects if needed.

Since the whole thing is an open project on Wikia, the reader is welcome to contribute to it.