We have a problem

As the saying goes 'Careful, what you wish for ...' I have a little bit of success and sand gets into the gear.

But first the good news:There was again a friendly request from Switzerland regarding a review of 'Die Haut' promptly my mail account is not working.Last but not least my computer has a clean hard drive crash. Great. And this is going to be a problem, because at the moment I am once again 'totally broke'.

So, folks. I'm trying everything humanly possible to produce the next part of 'Die Haut' and put it online as soon as possible!

Favorite Line:

"Houston, we've had a problem."
Tom Hanks, Apollo XIII (1995)


Due to bad weather conditions the space shuttle 'Discovery' can't land until tomorrow. Well, better safe than sorry. Let's hope everything goes well tomorrow.Take Care

Christian Heinke

middle aged nerd. writer of thriller & sci-fi novels with short sentences. podcaster. german with california in his heart.


A pleasant phone call (Part II)


Interview - LiteraturCafé