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Mr. Heinke is 'On Air' and overtakes 'Sleepless in Munich'

I don't know if you have appeared on TV before, but I think there is a reason why there are people who act in front of the camera ... and others who stay behind it. My first television appearance in the cinema tip on 'TV-Emscher-Lippe' will at least not go down in the annals of television history in my opinion.

But for a movie ticket and a drink, I, as a penniless, (not yet) published author, am willing to do anything - including, of course, getting in front of a camera ;-) Besides, I really enjoyed the whole thing. It was too tempting: Watching the new Marvel comic adaptation 'The Fantastic Four', sipping a Pepsi ... Hey, then as a trained film scholar and comic fan I can talk about the movie (which I liked by the way) into the camera afterwards - Nema problema!

What I had only not quite considered in my considerations was that I would have to speak for it FIRST freely and SECONDLY clearly visible for quite a lot of people on a TV screen would appear ...

To the first: I found out that 'uhh' and 'so to speak' are my favorite filler words and that my free interpretation of all kinds of sentence endings, which had already occurred in my studies, did not improve much in the spotlight.

Secondly: I had to realize that television really does make you 10 kilos fatter. (In my case even rather 20-30 kilos).

So much for the end of my illusion about my eloquence and my good looks ;-)

Well, and there is one more thing that is really, really weird. As already described in my last entry, my podcast 'Die Haut' is really going off like Schmidt's cat.

Today I had to notice that 'Die Haut' has overtaken the excellent, funny, charming and unsurpassed podcast by Annik Rubens 'Schlaflos in München' in the German podcast 'Top-100' of the iTunes music store.

Was soll man bitte dazu sagen? Zunächst mal Danke natürlich an alle, denen ‘Die Haut’ so gut gefällt. Ich werde mich ernsthaft und ehrlich bemühen, die in meine Schreibe gesetzten Erwartungen zu erfüllen. Mein Provider Macdisk.de wird sich diesen Monat übrigens freuen. Mein Traffic ist von ca. 300 MB im Juni auf unglaubliche 20 GB hochgeschnellt. Damit habe ich jetzt geschätzte 1500 Hörer. Wow. Sollte ich jemals soviele Menschen finden, die eventuell bereit sind, mir auch Geld für meine kreative Arbeit zu bezahlen, dann könnte es mit mir ja doch noch was werden.

Favorite Line:
Ben (The Thing) Grimm
Fantastic Four, 2005

»With great power comes great responsibility«
Uncle Ben to Peter Parker, Spiderman, 2003