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A pleasant phone call (Part II)

Alrighty. In November 2004 I had the pleasure to talk to Dr. Katarina Graf Mullis from the Swiss publisher KaMeRu. At that time she was one of the first to read my samples of 'The Mark' and requested the whole manuscript. Unfortunately the mystery-horror part was too high for them and they finally rejected 'The Mark' in April. When my podcast of 'Die Haut' finally went through the roof in June, I contacted KaMeRu again (At that time, I was seventh in the Swiss iTunes Top Ten). Three weeks ago, I received an inquiry from the publisher ... Whether 'Die Haut' might already be finished? "Oops", said the surprised would-be writer ...The problem is that 'Die Haut' is far from being finished. After my iMac-Gau I had to earn money again and keep my head above water. (Memo to me: You're really (so in reality now) poor if you carry returnable bottles to the booth at the corner, so you have something to bite over the weekend.) But back to the phone call. Last week Mrs. Graf Mullis called me and said that she was putting together the publishing program for 2007 and that she had already read through the samples of 'Die Haut' on my site and that I should just send her what already existed. No sooner said than done.

And now comes the 'cracker'. Today she called me and told me that they want to sign me with KaMeRu and publish 'Die Haut' as a book in autumn 2007. Cool, isn't it?

Favorite Line:

"Impressive ... most impressive ... but you not a Jedi yet."
Darth Vader, Empire Strike Back (1980)